Helping Our Clients Build Meaningful Connections
With the People They Serve

Epocrates experienced a 140% increase in revenue within 2 years of working with us.

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We helped Omron build an award-winning Smartwatch app that received the Best of CES Award in 2020, and a Time Magazine Best Innovation Award. 

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We helped BCBS build a healthcare monitoring and compliance mobile app for their hospital division.

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What Our Healthcare Clients Say About Us

Dmitry Bondarenko CEO of ComboApp
Dmitry Bondarenko
Karlina Popwell CEO & Founder DocSide
Jordan Gary Head of Marketing at Secure Illinois Retirements
Jordan Gary
Abhirup Bhattacharya Head of Digital, Athenahealth
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Best Mobile App Developers in Chicago
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What is
Healthcare App Development?

Healthcare app development refers to the strategy of creating digitally enabled mobile experiences that improve patients access to care, assist medical professionals to make more informed decisions, reduce the amount of time to run diagnostics, and enable remote monitoring and health visits.

At Digital Authority Partners, we understand how crucial user experience is to your healthcare business. Whether you are building an app designed for patient care management or medical professionals, your app needs to rely on its ease of use, organization, and communication features.

We have both the technical know-how and expertise to help startups and established healthcare businesses create innovative mobile apps that will transform the healthcare industry.

Over 120 million Americans have at least one healthcare app installed on their phone. Most Americans believe that using healthcare mobile apps has a positive impact on their health. 

Our consultants will help you design, develop, and launch a healthcare mobile app that will improve the lives of millions. 

Want to meet with our team?

Book a meeting directly here

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Foundations of
Healthcare App Development

  • 1

    Collaborate to Define Your Project Goals

    We work together to define your healthcare mobile app vision, product market fit, business goals, and app monetization strategies.

  • 2

    Create Product Requirements With Your Team

    We map the user journey, review competitors, understand your customers needs in order to define the minimum viable product requirements.

  • 3

    Draft the Mobile App Delivery Plan

    We will determine the budget and timeline to develop the mobile application based on the product requirements.

  • 4

    Develop Your App

    We help develop both the front and back-end of your mobile application that integrate with: Electronic Health Records, Revenue Cycle Management, and Laboratory Information Systems.

  • 5

    Quality Assurance Testing

    The quality assurance stage phase includes testing to determine and defects & resolve them. This is to ensure compliance with HIPAA, HITRUST, and HITECH healthcare standards.

  • 6

    Launch & Support

    Once we get your final approval, we will launch your app on the Android and Apple stores. We will provide support and maintenance as you app users grow.

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Services for Our
Healthcare Clients

Healthcare App Development
Frequently Asked Questions

How are mobile applications used in healthcare?

There are 3 types of healthcare mobile apps: patient apps, medical apps, and telemedicine apps. Patient apps help people diagnose a condition, manage a condition, and improve their quality of life. Medical mobile apps assist doctors to do better diagnostics and provide better treatment. Telemedicine apps help connect doctors to patients in real-time virtually.

At DAP, we recommend all healthcare organizations have an app. For providers, an app is a way to further connect with your patients 24/7 wherever your patients are. For insurance companies, help your customers manage their claims through a mobile app. Patient apps help people diagnosed with a chronic illness manage and, at times, reverse their condition with the help of digital therapeutics.

The cost of healthcare mobile apps typically range from $100,000 to $425,000, depending on the feature & functionality, desired integrations, and applicable HIPAA & FDA compliance regulations.

From ideation through completion it can take anywhere between 3-9 months to have the first version of your mobile application live in the app store. Once your app is live, we help you define a long-term roadmap to refine, improve and expand the app offerings.

Helping Companies Create
Next-Gen Digital Experiences

Case Studies

athena health


  • 140% increase in revenue-to-date
  • 40% increase in app engagement
  • 36% increase in surveys taken by the 2M+ doctors
    on the app
View case study
The new performance dashboard of Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois shown on a desktop

BlueCross BlueShield

  • 75 reduction in time spent on email
  • 40 increase in submission speed of
    managed health reports
View case study


  • Page 1 ranking for primary keyword
  • 65% increase to both page views and time on site
  • 43% increase in conversion rate
  • 20% decrease in bounce rate
View case study

Schedule Your
Free Consultation

Questions about your healthcare app development project? Schedule a consultation now to speak with a DAP expert and kick your project off right.

Why Companies Choose to Work With Our Healthcare App Development Experts

  • Our expert development team has built mobile apps for Fortune 500 companies, renowned insurance companies, and disruptive healthcare startups.
  • We have a track record of delivering on time and on budget.
  • The healthcare mobile apps we’ve built are used by 5+ million people globally.
  • We’ve won awards for our software development efforts. Outside recognition is not something we strive for, but it is always nice to receive!

Learn More About
Healthcare App Development

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Healthcare app development

Healthcare App Development
A Step-by-Step Guide

Healthcare app development is a complex process, that if done incorrectly can cost a lot of money and derail your digital transformation plans. The best way to build a healthcare mobile app of the future is to start with a comprehension strategy, market validation, and competitive analysis to have a good understanding of how your unique mobile app will stand out from the competition to provide a superior solution to your competition.

Where Do You Start?

From building information management systems (health records) to wellness apps for customers that encourage healthier lifestyles, we work with our clients to figure out exactly what they need. We want to know how their brand fits into the industry and who their audience is. Then we create an experience based on years of data and insight that will give your business a competitive advantage while also being accessible on all devices.

What Can a Healthcare App Do?

Healthcare apps serve different purposes based on your business model. If you’re a medical professional, your app should focus on both your patients and employees. Patients can download an app that allows them direct access to their healthcare professionals. They’re no longer restricted to emailing back and forth for information like prescriptions or lab results. The app allows them full access, so if they have questions or concerns, they can speak with their doctor at the touch of a button.

In addition, employees need an efficient way to organize patient data and records in real-time. With one central location for all relevant information, employees are more productive when they don’t have to spend time filing things away in multiple places or spend time searching through folders just to find one piece of paper. These opportunities apply to physicians’ offices, pharmacies, ambulatory care facilities, hospitals, and any other medical business that benefits from strict organization.

For brands that sell products in the health industry, an app could be a driving factor for growth. By introducing a healthcare app, brands can give customers more value and a better lifestyle. Nearly 30% of all mobile users have a healthcare app. 

That means people are looking for ways to live healthier lives, and they’re looking for easier ways to do that. If you sell a product that has the potential for digital integration, a healthcare app could be the difference between plateauing versus exponential growth. Apps are an avenue for customer acquisition and accountability. That means your customer experience needs to support a healthier lifestyle, be fun, and engaging all at once. That’s where Digital Authority Partner comes in.

We’re a custom app development agency here to help you reach your business goals. We build user interfaces that make it easy for others to track progress and take steps toward leading healthier lives. 

How Can an App Benefit My Organization?

With so many industries moving digital, the competition has been getting tougher and tougher—especially in the healthcare industry. With an app, the opportunities for growth are endless. You can gauge interest, provide more targeted services for your audience, and expand your reach among the app-using market.

With an app, you don’t have to rely on building a website that might not be updated as frequently as it should be. Users will always know where they can go to get the information they need as soon as they experience symptoms. Additionally, it saves you and your employees time. Features that include organization and coordination can allow you to work with your employees more effectively. By implementing organizational structures (for your employees) into your app, you can save yourself time and focus on the more important tasks. 

Apps are changing the way that users engage with content. With apps, you can provide experiences for your clientele that are different from your competitors. For example, using patient feedback surveys can give you more information on how you can better serve your patients—and this information is always available thanks to it being stored in an app.

Another example—pertaining to businesses within the fitness and wellness industry—are fitness apps. Fitness apps are one of the most popular health-related apps on the market. With that being said, more apps are being developed with an emphasis on wellness; allowing you to track your courses, upload pictures of your workouts for others to see, and even receive workout recommendations from friends. The factor of accountability within fitness apps allows them to be some of the most-used apps on your customer’s mobile device. A key factor in increasing engagement rates is by implementing live chat features, accountability groups, and a way to display progress inside the platform.

Healthcare App Trends in 2021

With advances in technology increasing year after year, the healthcare industry is no exception to receiving upgrades. Today’s providers are now expected to have a mobile presence, as well as provide easy-to-follow instructions for procedures that their patients are about to go through. 

A foreseeable trend is the use of blockchain technology to increase transactional security. For many healthcare professionals, using blockchain technology in the future will be no different than using any other program today. The use of this technology allows for time-stamped records on transactions between providers and patients. Blockchains provide better accountability by using a logged, accurate pool of transaction history. 

In the future, big data will continue to be a trend that heavily affects healthcare. One of the main uses of big data in the future is allowing doctors and patients to use this information to improve their patient experience. Doctors can better understand their patient’s needs by knowing what they want out of treatment options. Also, patients will receive personalized treatment based upon their healthcare records—but where is all of this data stored?

Another trend to look out for in 2021 is cloud computing.  Cloud computing allows your employees to store data, records, and files in the cloud so they can access them from anywhere. It is more efficient than having a hard drive or any other physical storage unit. Of course, the cloud can be accessed, edited, and revised through the app. 

Doctors will find it easier to keep track of their patient’s data, too. But it’s not just doctors who benefit from big data. Patients will now have access to information they’re seeking, allowing for a better experience with their healthcare professionals.

Through 2020, 2021, and beyond, we saw an increase in the need for virtual appointments. Experts say that trend isn’t likely to stop. Some patients have a hard time traveling to the office for an appointment—that’s where virtual appointments come in.  Rather than traveling to the doctor, patients can receive services through a video call, allowing them to get their care without leaving home. Some people even prefer this method of diagnosis.

What Does the App Development Process Look Like?

At Digital Authority Partners, our approach to app development looks like this: 

First, we’ll set up an introductory call. We’ll talk about your target audience, what your processes currently look like, and what you want to achieve in the future. As business partners, we’re here to help you succeed.

The next step will be identifying the goals you want to achieve by creating a healthcare app.  What do you want your users to do? How will your users benefit? How will your employees use the app? What is the intended outcome? It’s best to be as specific as possible at this stage.

After that, we’ll create a development roadmap for your app. We’ll start with the general, move on to specifics, and tie everything together in a cohesive product launch. This process might take time, but it creates an enjoyable experience for our clients, while still maintaining our focus on deadlines.

Once we have a solid product launch timeline in place, we begin designing the app from both a user experience and a business perspective. With minimal programming necessary on your end, we develop apps that work seamlessly for you and your patients/consumers. We’re ready when you are.

The last step of the process is the launch.  We make sure that your app will reach your audience effectively and securely, and that there is a plan for growth. We don’t want to set you up for success in the short term only to put you in a bad spot in the future, so we do our best to create apps that are sustainable over time.

The process of developing an app may take several months, but it doesn’t have to be a complicated or confusing experience. By taking this step-by-step approach, we’ll ensure a smooth journey from start to finish. Once all steps have been completed, we’ll help you launch your healthcare mobile app with ease.

How to Get Started on Your Next App Project

The process can seem daunting. When you factor in all the time and effort it takes just to build an app, why try to cut corners? Get your app project done by experts, with Digital Authority Partner’s help. We don’t want our clients’ apps stuck in development forever. That’s not what builds success. Our process for building apps is detailed, efficient, and we’ve proven it. Check out our case studies above to see what we’ve done to help other healthcare businesses just like yours. 

  1. Start with a conversation – No two clients are exactly alike. Before we begin, we put together your needs and goals to make sure there’s a solid fit between the app you’re envisioning and our services. From there, we’ll create a custom package attuned to your business goals. Our focus on partnership is what sets our agency apart. We share knowledge rather than hide it.  Our agency wants to make sure we’re all on the same page, and that the final product is something you’ll be proud of.
  2. Design – We’ll use your input to design the app’s structure for your brand, then provide you with an interactive wireframe that helps us refine how users interact within the system. It also guarantees its accessibility from any device. Wireframe creation is a vital part of your user experience and app development as a whole.
  3. Development – Ready to build? Then let’s start developing so you can see your concept come to life. We have years of experience across industries to ensure the app development process runs smoothly. Our expert developers are here to take your healthcare business to the next level.
  4. Testing – We want to make sure that you get a result that’s exactly what you had in mind. We’ll bring in testers and together we will uncover any flaws, holes, or opportunities for improvement within your project. Bugs and other inconveniences impede the launch, so the testing is done before that. After all of this is done, we can go ahead with the launch!
  5. Launch – Finally, after months of hard work, it’s time to hit publish on your healthcare app and share it with the world. Creating a plan to share your app with your customers is key to a successful launch. Making sure that the news gets out to your audience is important, and having a process to do so ensures its success. When you need a launch, we can make one.
  6. Maintenance – Once your app gets out there, it’s up to you to keep the content fresh and relevant. You’ve got new pieces of information or changes, tweaks, updates… whatever they might be; we’re here to help with that too. We’ll also be able to provide you with updates even after the initial release so that nothing falls through the cracks.

Enlisting the Help of Experts

DAP is a simple decision. We have been providing high-quality, app development services since 2015 for businesses across all industries, including healthcare. Whether your business is direct-to-consumer or consists of medical professionals, we can help.

Hiring an outside team to work on a project can be scary. You don’t know if it’ll be a success with your audience, if it’ll even look professional, or if it will help your business grow. At DAP, we take the guesswork out of the equation. We strive to be partners, not just an agency. As experts in app development, we know the ins and outs of what makes a successful platform. Schedule a free consultation with our developers to see how we can help your business create an app for the future. 

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