Why AI and SEO Are Good Partners
Online success relies heavily on how well you implement search engine optimization (SEO). However, to outplay competitors, you need to be smart, fast, and adaptable. SEO agency experts say artificial intelligence (AI) tools are becoming more and more crucial to SEO success – and they are the epitome of adaptability!
This guide gives you five reasons why AI and SEO are good partners:
- Optimize your website’s UI/UX
- Improve online safety for users
- Write about what matters most
- Upgrade audio and video quality
- Reinforce website accessibility
There is a lot to discuss, so get ready to take notes.
Let’s go!
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1. Optimize Your Website’s UI/UX
Web design is a woefully underrated part of SEO, to the detriment of website owners. While it may seem superficial, in fact, your website’s layout significantly impacts the user experience (UX). The layout affects how your visitors behave when on your site — whether they stay and explore or immediately bounce.
AI helps you here by showing you which page elements are working as they should and which ones you need to revisit. It takes a lot of time and money, but recruiting users and conducting eye-tracking usability tests helps you understand user on-page behavior better.
Here are the core attributes you learn through an AI-assisted user study:
- Blind Spots: These are page elements your users do not notice or ignore.
- Gaze Patterns: This refers to the observable on-page behavior exhibited by users.
- Stumbling Points: These are elements that users take too long or struggle to process.
Using the insight you gain from such a usability study, you can format your website to reflect what appeals most to your target market. For instance, identify which areas draw the most attention and place critical information or elements there for maximum impact.
2. Improve Online Safety for Users
Another lesser-known SEO concern missing from most discussions is security. On its own, it might not seem like a search engine-related issue. However, website security and online security in general can affect your users’ behavior just as much as any other SEO aspect.
Most SEO agency experts recommend getting a secure sockets layer (SSL) certificate to improve website security. An SSL creates an encrypted connection between your website and the user’s device. This lets them know their information and activity are not visible to hackers.
Cybersecurity deals with more than just SSL certificates and encryption, though. Your website needs protection from intelligent software such as antivirus, antimalware, and firewalls. Otherwise, vulnerabilities remain for hackers and malicious actors to continue exploiting.
In short, cybersecurity plays a key role in digital innovation, especially in protecting against rapidly evolving threats. Audit your cybersecurity framework by asking yourself:
- Am I investing in security measures for critical business outcomes?
- Is everyone in my organization familiar with our cybersecurity guidelines?
- Have I set email security protocols to safeguard communication?
- Is everyone in the company following basic internet safety practices?
- Have I purchased security software to protect against existing and emerging threats?
3. Write About What Matters Most
Content is a staple when discussing the SEO benefits of AI tools and software. After all, if you want to fit the requirements of search engine algorithms, you need to think like a search engine.
AI software only knows as much about these algorithms as the developers. However, these apps rely on libraries of extension search data to generate information on critical metrics. Among the standard metrics are search volume, keyword difficulty, and cost-per-click (CPC).
The method of sourcing or deriving broad matches for a sample keyword or website differs between platforms, with the more intelligent apps tracing search intent for the best SEO results. Use these tools to create AI-powered content for great SEO benefits in the long term.
4. Upgrade Audio and Video Quality
AI works with more than blogs—developers have also integrated intelligent capabilities into audio and video editing tools. These days you can create professional-looking top-quality audio and video content without extensive study or experience, thanks to AI.
The ability of keyword tools to derive user intent allows you to use AI-powered editing tools to deliver high-quality SEO content effectively. Using stock images, royalty-free music, and low-quality footage tanks your SEO because they do little to help you stand out.
Users appreciate effort, and using AI tools significantly reduces the amount of work needed to produce high-quality audio and video content. Plus, when your website increases usability through creativity, you're adding to your brand and making your brand more recognizable to existing and potential customers.
Some essential editing features for seamless video production are color matching, background changing, and noise reduction. They might seem simple, but quality dictates how well your target market receives and responds to your video content.
5. Reinforce Website Accessibility
Accessibility is a critical component of SEO because users who struggle to navigate your website will bounce or leave and look for alternatives. And high bounce rates indicate that something about your website failed to help visitors who found it.
Besides vision-related accessibility issues, you should address other disabilities that affect UX. The American Disabilities Act (ADA) has no enforcement guidelines for websites yet, but do not let that stop you from taking the initiative to serve your target market better.
Consider the following ideas for reinforcing your website’s accessibility:
- Enable speech recognition and voice search for hands-free usage.
- Add a translation option to serve potential non-English-speaking users.
- Get a subscription for plugins that assist with reading and focusing issues.
Summing Up
Mastering SEO is challenging at best because of its constantly evolving nature. Fortunately, AI has developed far enough for individuals and small businesses to utilize diverse strategies to keep up with both AI developments and its benefits to their websites.
AI and SEO work well together because what the latter wants, the former can provide. For instance, eye tracking tests aid in optimizing your website’s UX based on rich data. Keyword and marketing tools process actual search data to give you the best chance at ranking high.
However, AI has more SEO applications, and you can expect it to develop still more in the future.
Need help adding AI to your SEO strategy? Contact us to learn how we can help.
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