Comparing Facebook vs. Google Ads for San Diego Businesses
No matter how large your company is, determining where to commit your advertising budget can cause confusion. The two biggest pay-per-click (PPC) options today are Google and Facebook.
Although it may seem that promoting your brand on the largest search engine would get more attention, the most popular social media platform entices users in a slightly different way. Benefits exist for both, and it may take the help of a dedicated San Diego PPC agency to make the best and final determination.
Which platform is better for your business: Google or Facebook? Perhaps you should create different campaigns for each one to get as much attention from your target audience as possible.
If you want to learn how Digital Authority Partners can increase your PPC effectiveness, watch this video!
Why Use Google Ads for Your San Diego Business
If you do any type of PPC advertising, you cannot ignore Google. This powerhouse search engine and ad platform is the go-to choice for businesses of all sizes. More people search on Google than any other site, and the company has perfected its way of showing ads to people searching for exactly that information.
It offers more competitive options, helps level the playing field for small and medium-sized firms, and provides geographically targeted ads for San Diego and other cities all across the country and around the world.
Besides its omnipresence and the massive number of searches performed per day, Google ads have a very high return on investment (ROI). Of course, your results depend on how well you set up your PPC campaigns. There is a delicate balance between never serving ads at all and blowing your budget out of the water by making poor choices. Even if you do not have a lot to spend, a professional agency can help your San Diego company succeed.
A large part of making Google ads work for you comes down to tweaking the options to suit your specific business type and the habits and expectations of your target audience. For example, it helps to avoid automatic ad suggestions or enhanced cost per click (CPC) configurations. This can lead to using up your entire marketing budget far too quickly. Above all else, it is essential to constantly collect data and analyze results when you use Google as part of your PPC ad strategy.
Why Use Facebook Ads to Promote Your San Diego Company
If you are like representatives of many other small or medium-sized businesses, you probably look for ways to minimize your ad spend while increasing ROI. Google ad options are a must if you delve into the world of PPC. However, they are not the only solution that can bring you great results. Social media marketing has become much more popular, but that has to do with making content to attract attention and interacting with followers and friends regularly.
Facebook ads are another option for pay-per-click advertising strategies similar to the AdWords system. Although this platform has lost some reach in the past couple of years, it remains the world's largest social media site and there are plenty of Facebook ads examples you can emulate to drive additional leads to your business.
Recent changes to how posts are displayed have made it more difficult to market organically on the platform.
That being said, the PPC system on Facebook offers a way to bypass these issues to some degree. If your target consumer demographic hangs out on this social media site, it makes sense to use highly targeted ads to attract attention. Today, Instagram and Facebook integrate, which gives you even more opportunities to display ads to a wider audience.
Issues with underperforming ads point to one or more issues. These match common problems people who use Google ads have. Bad-quality ads can make it impossible to get any attention at all. Making ads too complex or offering too much will make savvy consumers suspicious. Not spending enough money to serve your advertisements frequently enough will leave you out of the competition, especially in popular niches.
One of the best things about using Facebook or other social media platforms to advertise your San Diego company is the ability to integrate PPC ads with other marketing efforts. The ability to create an online community completely focused on your brand improves recognition, reputation, and trust. The ability to connect ecommerce opportunities with Facebook or Instagram adds another element of potential profit.
No matter what products or services you sell, a large part of today's success equation is building a network or community of interested people who are eager to spend money and involve themselves in a conversation about the types of things you offer. While Google ads open your brand to a world of possibilities, it still makes sense to look at Facebook ads to attract more personal attention.
Final Words
A long list of considerations exists when deciding whether to focus on Google ads, Facebook ads or, use both popular platforms in your PPC campaigns. With strong track records of success for a wide variety of business types, it may make sense to use the top contenders at the same time.
If you do this, work with an experienced San Diego PPC agency to research the best keyword phrases, write exceptional ad copy, and help you build a landing page that gets the type of conversion that leads to ultimate success.
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