Why You Should Be Using Dayparting on San Diego PPC Campaigns
For marketers, finding ways to generate more traffic, leads and sales is a relentless pursuit. They spend their days thinking about strategy and spotting new trends or tactics that can improve the performance and results of a PPC ad campaign.
Dayparting is one such practice that can transform a PPC campaign.
In this article, we take a look at the practice and benefits of dayparting.
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What is Dayparting and How Does it Relate to PPC Ads?
Dayparting is a relatively new term that describes the practice of making sure a PPC ad campaign is displayed at a specific time of day. The whole idea of this practice is to ensure the PPC ads are running during the time of day that the ads are most likely to gain traction. Dayparting also helps create awareness with potential customers and this familiarity can eventually lead to sales down the line.
But what does this practice look like in action?
Example of Dayparting for a PPC Ad Campaign
Imagine you own a coffee shop and notice most of your customers buy coffee in the mornings. You also note that lunchtime and weekends are busy, but the late afternoon is slow. Here are a couple of ways you might apply the practice of dayparting to your PPC ads:
- The coffee shop is quiet in the late afternoon so you begin a campaign that offers two coffees for the price of one between 2-4 pm. You know that people still drink coffee at this time and a PPC ad might provide an extra push for them to visit at this time.
- You might also create a promotion to help build awareness of the coffee shop by offering 50% coffee every Wednesday. While the cafe might be busy at this time without the promotion, this is still a good way to attract new customers.
That said, there are many ways to roll out these ads and many more questions that can dictate the specific nature of a PPC ad campaign.
Manual Bidding or Not?
Unless you have an endless pit of cash to burn, you need to ensure you do not spend more than you can afford with PPC ads. This highlights the importance of a bid cap and manual bidding in general, which gives you more control over the PPC budget.
Accelerated Delivery for Time-Sensitive Offers?
Accelerated delivery is an option that allows businesses to display PPC ads with a tight deadline. In other words, if the ad is urgent and time-sensitive, accelerated delivery can show a PPC ad to a target market a lot more than usual.
Short Bursts or Blocks of Time?
Research suggests that blocks of time provide better results than one or two-hour periods. This is simply because one hour severely limits the number of times an ad can be shown and more people will see the ad over the course of three hours.
5 Benefits of Dayparting for PPC Ads
1. Higher Return on Investment for PPC Ad Campaign
Dayparting can potentially deliver much better results for a PPC ad campaign while lowering costs at the same time. This enables businesses to reach more of a target market and improve the conversion rate for their investment in a PPC ad campaign.
2. Pausing PPC Ads During Low Response Times
It’s possible to pause a PPC ad campaign with dayparting and this means an advertising budget can take a rest during times at which a low response is common. Meanwhile, this same tactic also ensures the ad is visible during peak traffic times.
3. Defining the Bid for Specific Keywords/Terms
Marketers will often use dayparting to define how much to bid for specific locations. This is why many businesses contract a San Diego PPC agency to do their bidding and dayparting is one of many tactics a professional agency is able to deploy.
4. Different Content for Different Groups of Customers
Dayparting segments a PPC ad campaign and enables businesses to create different pieces of copy/content that can be displayed to different groups of customers. This means the right PPC ads are being shown to the right people at the right time.
5. Build Awareness When Business is Slow
You can use dayparting to build awareness of a brand and this can be especially useful during slow times for a business. For instance, many businesses use dayparting to offer specials or discounts during quiet periods. At the very least, this practice lets people know about the business and best case scenario - it’s also profitable!
Now, let’s take a look at how a San Diego PPC Agency might approach this concept…
How PPC Agencies Use Dayparting for Ad Campaigns
Identifying the Best Times to Target Different Groups
It’s necessary to identify the time during which a target audience is most active and most likely to answer a call-to-action. Many platforms provide analytics and most social media accounts provide insights to help pinpoint these days and hours.
A San Diego PPC Agency will often track and measure results in order to identify the peak times at which a PPC ad is most successful. It’s then possible to schedule different PPC ads to display at certain times in order to improve conversions.
Scheduling a PPC Ad Campaign
Scheduling posts is pretty easy on social media, but there are certain aspects related to targeting and budgeting that you need to get right. For example, it’s necessary to choose specific hour blocks for PPC ads and allocate a specific budget to each one.
Either way, scheduling a PPC ad campaign requires immense attention to detail.
Final Words
Dayparting is useful for optimizing PPC campaigns to ensure they produce the best possible results. This is especially beneficial when marketers know a particular ad performs better during certain periods. Yet, the room for error is high, which is why most businesses outsource their PPC ad campaigns to a professional PPC agency.
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