How Hospitality SEO Works for Las Vegas Businesses
Having an attractive website is one thing but having an attractive website that people can actually find is another. The better your search ranking, the more people will find your business, and this traffic can increase sales and revenue.
Watch this video to learn about the Digital Authority Partners approach to local SEO!
But How Can You Improve the Search Ranking of a Business in Las Vegas?
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the answer, and every business in Las Vegas needs to focus on SEO in order to get views and traffic online. After all, most people search online for hotels and restaurants in Las Vegas before they make a decision, and a sustained focus on SEO can help your business get in front of this audience.
In this article, we take a look at what you should know about hospitality SEO for Las Vegas businesses and how to connect with your target audience in the online world.
5 Ways Hospitality Businesses in Las Vegas Can Get Ahead with SEO
1. Use Local SEO to Help Drive Organic Traffic to Your Business
As you know, local SEO is an organic way to increase the online visibility of your business in Las Vegas. Local SEO tries to improve and optimize your current website and content in order to earn traffic as opposed to paying for ads or sponsored posts etc. Now, there is nothing wrong with ads or paid results but local SEO can cost a lot less and prove more effective. One means of focusing on local search is to identify the best keywords for your business and location and then include these keywords in the titles, tags, and descriptions of the website. An obvious example of this might be “Best restaurant in Las Vegas” or “Health Spa in Las Vegas” but given the immense competition, it’s sometimes better to work with long-tail keywords which target niche search queries.
2. Complete and Optimize the Google My Business Listing
An optimized Google My Business (GMB) listing can provide an outstanding customer experience for Las Vegas businesses that will help drive traffic and sales. Let’s assume you already have a Google My Business listing for your business and focus on how to improve this listing. The truth is, too many business owners fail to realize the power of a GMB listing and the importance of completing this profile. It’s also free which essentially means you get free online marketing with a GMB listing.
And how might you improve this listing?
It’s important to fill out all the basic details such as location, hours, and contact number for your business. But it’s equally important to upload recent photos and ensure these pictures offer an attractive representation of your business. This is something a Las Vegas SEO Agency will work hard to improve - the appearance of your business in the eyes of online users. But that’s just the start of the story because a top hospitality business will also respond to reviews and questions on their GMB listing, provide detailed directions, and keep every other detail up to date.
3. Build Relevant Content that Will Attract and Convert New Traffic
Building relevant content for the hospitality sector in Las Vegas is not only helpful for potential customers but also a way to demonstrate your authority in the area. There is also some psychology behind this effort because online users will often have questions regarding a destination, food, nearby attractions, etc., which you can address on the website. For instance, hotels can create content to highlight local attractions or reasons to visit Las Vegas in order to encourage site visitors to make a reservation, and restaurants in Las Vegas might build content to show they serve vegetarian or vegan food. To further build-out content, many hospitality businesses in the area will employ a Las Vegas Digital Agency to create relevant and authentic content that will attract online users to the website and try to convert this traffic into new customers.
4. Consider Adding New/Different Types of Content to Your Strategy
It’s easy to stick with what you know when it comes to hospitality SEO but there is also a risk in ignoring new or different avenues of traffic that might help your SEO strategy. A Frequently Asked Questions page (FAQs) is a good example of how you might provide useful information to potential customers while improving your search rankings on Google. You might also consider creating or optimizing content for voice search which has to do with ADA compliance or start making videos for the business on a particular platform. As of now, it makes sense to produce videos on the second most popular search engine on the planet - YouTube. This is not only because of the immense traffic but because content on YouTube is re-used over time which means you are building a portfolio of videos that will help with the long-term strategy for any Las Vegas business.
5. Be Active on Social Media Every Single Day!
There’s a popular saying in marketing: “You need to be in the same place as your audience.”
This is highly relevant for social media and hospitality SEO for Las Vegas businesses. It means that every business should always be active on whatever social media platforms they decide to use. While this shows that a business is operating as per usual, social media is also a place in which to build community and promote features, benefits, and special offers. Without activity on social media, future customers are likely to question your attention to detail, which is a critical factor for any hospitality business in Vegas!
Final Thoughts
Recent studies show that whenever customers search for anything online, they are most likely to click on a page one result. Hospitality businesses in Las Vegas should strive to ensure placement on the first page of search results. Using the right keywords and ensuring great SEO helps your company take advantage of these statistics. SEO works, and assistance from an SEO agency is often the difference between businesses that thrive or those that struggle to survive in Las Vegas!
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